The TEA opened the classroom doors on Monday, October 14, 2019 with the initial class of 60 students. For the 2020-2021 school year another class of new students will be added. Given the unique nature of the school, it will take 4 years for the school to be up to full capacity of about 150 – 160 students.
The concept of the TEA grew out of a challenge from Bishop Yambasu of the Sierra Leone United Methodist Church. A wide range of people from both Sierra Leone and here in the U.S. have been involved in conversation and planning for nearly 7 years.
Although the project is dependent on us in the U.S. to contribute capital funds, the SLUMC is contributing land, existing facilities (both ones currently usable and ones that need to be renovated), oversight by the education department of the SLUMC, recruitment of faculty and students and long-range planning for the school.
Campus Renovation: Budgets for the complete renovation of the campus and construction of additional facilities is in the range of $375,000 - $400,000. As pledges are paid, funds are transferred to accomplish renovation goals using all local workers.
Work Study Grants: Each student will receive a work study grant which will cover their expenses in exchange for work performed around the campus. This will help to teach them accountability as well as skills.
The Charter of the TEA sets up a joint Board of Directors for The Taiama Enterprise Academy to represent a partnership between Operation Classroom of Indiana United Methodist Church and the Sierra Leone UMC. Operating funds will be sent when appropriate reports and requests are made for funds for renovations and operating expenses.
Management of the TEA will be the Board of Directors, with oversight provided by the Director of the Department of Secondary, Technical, Vocational and Tertiary Education Sierra Leone United Methodist church.
Tuition and fees are currently set at $850.00 per year. Work/study grants ($750) and student support ($100) will fund all the administration costs both in Sierra Leone and the U.S., room, board, teacher salaries and support staff salaries. In 2020 work/study grants will increase to $850. Support from the student's family of $100 is still required, bringing the total for each student to $950 per year.
ANY student can attend, with no determination by race, gender, religion, or tribal affiliation being a prerequisite. Students receiving a work/study grant will be selected based on criteria developed by the Department of Secondary, Technical, Vocational and Tertiary Education Sierra Leone United Methodist church.
Yes, videos, a PowerPoint, brochure, and photos are found on this website under Resources.
Going to Sierra Leone or Liberia on a Mission Journey will make a huge impact on a local church. If you would like to explore what it takes to make the journey, contact Tim Loughmiller, or Marcia Jordan, about how you can plan your journey or join on that is already in the making. Being there and experiencing life in west Africa will provide to be transformational for the traveler.
Become a Pen Pal. There are amazing young people who would love to have someone lend vocational expertise.
Please reach out to Karen Gould, or Bonnie Albert, to make a request for a speaker or small group leader.
Provide dates, audience and a bit about what you hope to accomplish.
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