In a country with a 70+% unemployment rate, it is common for students who are fortunate enough to have a secondary or even college education to find no opportunities. This is, and has long been, a recipe for social unrest.
By helping students to not just get AN EDUCATION, but rather obtain THE RIGHT EDUCATION, Operation Classroom is helping students to get the tools they need to gain employment and prosper.
Some thoughts from those involved...
"My years of connections with my Christian brothers and sisters in Africa through Operation Classroom have given me a love and appreciation for our world community. Every trip, every letter has stirred a deep felt love. Just as I am stirred to reach out and give a hand to a neighbor here in my Indiana community, so I am drawn to reach out to those in Africa when I see and hear of needs. Thank you Operation Classroom for giving me so many opportunities for sharing with the teachers and students in Sierra Leone."
Amy Zent September 2019
"…the opportunity for young people in Sierra Leone to attain to the fullest, their God given potentials so that they can become persons of worth in society who are not only self-employed and self-sustainable, but who can contribute immensely to the overall socio-economic development of Sierra Leone. The goal of TEA is to transform the lives of young people from 'Nobodies to Somebodies'."
Bishop Yambasu (Bishop of Sierra Leone Conference of the UMC) wrote about the TEA
"Last school year, the generous sponsorship of Operation Classroom Scholars made it possible for a total of 100 students to attend 15 United Methodist Schools in the Liberia Annual Conference. We are very grateful to the OC sponors who are supporting students to remain in school and graduate from high school. Thank you for the precious gift of education."
Helen Roberts-Evans
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