Volunteer in Mission

Volunteer in Indiana

Packing Parties
Periodically, at different places around the state, groups get together to pack boxes to be shipped to West Africa. If you want to be contacted about participating in one of these, contact us at the OCI office. (See details below.)

Container Loading
About 4 times a year, we load a container for shipment to West Africa at the warehouse in Lapel, IN. (Lapel is about 25 miles northeast of Indianapolis.) We generally start around 9:00 am, and we’re done in time for lunch – although sometimes it’s a late lunch. Contact us at the OCI office if you’d like to help out.

V.I.M. Coordination
If you have significant V.I.M experience, and would like to get involved in helping coordinate

V.I.M. teams going to West Africa (doing orientations, making travel arrangements, holding leadership training events), contact us at the OCI office.

Program Assistance
OC Scholars
Want to help with the OCI Scholars Program? Making connections between sponsor here in the states, and students in West Africa. We could use you help. You can work from home, and it would only take a few hours a week. If you’re interested, contact us at the OCI office.

Want to get involved in helping to coordinate shipping to West Africa? If you have experience in logistics (and it doesn’t take a LOT of experience), we could use your expertise. Contact us at the OCI office for information.

Project Coordination 
Staying on top of projects going on in West Africa can be a tricky business, when you have to do it “long-distance.” But it’s a perfect job for someone who’s organized, detail oriented, and used to “staying on top of things.” Again, you could work from your home, and it would only take a few hours a week. Contact us if you’re interested.
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